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I thought it would be good to introduce the writing style of the "The Punishment Rock" through short stories.

So I didn't have to gruel over creating new characters and fictional premises, it seemed efficient to stick to personal stories that fall in a similar genre of the book; stories of pickles and predicaments that might get your ticker pumping, or make your eyes glance down the page to see what happens next!

Girl Running By Graffiti Wall

Maybe I Should've Run Sooner?

A classic "wrong place, wrong time" situation in the late 90's in Columbus, OH...

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Ike and the Ozarks

What happens when a fully functional tropical storm bears down on a music festival? It happened in September 2008...

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Falling Forwards

A standard story of life's bumps, bruises, and detours told through an untypical day of taking down hazard trees...

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